17. 07. 2018.
Sjećanje na stradale Srbe u Srebrenici
U Srebrenici se početkom jula uporedo održavaju dvije
manifestacije posvećene sjećanju na stradale u ratu. Dan poslije
obilježavanja stradanja Bošnjaka, održani su “Petrovdanski dani” - u
znak sjećanja na poginule Srbe.
Čitajte DALJE
Kako je počeo rat u Srebrenici?
Priča o Srebrenici prije rata, naoružavanju, prvim stradanjima i onim koja su uslijedila i bila uvod u masovne egzekucije iz jula 1995.
čitajte DALJE
Potresna svjedočenja Bošnjaka o logorima u Srbiji
Kroz logore Šljivovica i Mitrovo polje u Srbiji od avgusta 1995. do aprila 1996. godine prošlo je više stotina bošnjačkih muškaraca iz Žepe i Srebrenice. Njihova svjedočenja su potresna.
Čitajte DALJE
01. 07. 2018.
Prva i jedina pivara u Srebrenici SILVERTOWN BREWERY proizvodi za sada, četiri vrste domaćeg, craft piva koja mogu biti svojevrstan suvenir iz Srebrenice ali i jedan od brendova ovog grada.
SILVERTOWN BREWERY mala privatna pivara koju je vlastitim sredstvima, pokrenuo Davorin Sekulić. Za sada proizvodi četiri vrste piva od kojih svako ima svoju posebnu priču otisnutu na etiketi. Zbog tih priča, imena piva i mjesta gdje se proizvode ona su već postala suvenir iz Srebrenice ali i jedan od brendova ovog grada. Evo priča o njima:
Široj javnosti je malo
poznato da je naš jedini dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost Ivo Andrić kao srednjoškolac često provodio ljetni raspust u Srebrenici
kod tetke Danice. Za Srebrenicu je vezan
u dva djela. To je njegova prva pripovijetka - 'Put Alije Đerzeleza', gdje se
spominje Srebrenica u kojoj Andrić piše da je Alija Đerzelez stigao ovdje i da
se liječio od zadobijenih rana. Druga njegova čuvena pripovijetka je vezana za
Osat i Osaćane. Prilikom upisa na zagrebački, a zatim bečki i krakovski
univerzitet, Andrić je kao mjesto prebivališta naveo Srebrenicu, što potvrđuje
i faksimil koji se nalazi u srebreničkoj biblioteci
Vjerovanje u jamskog duha patuljka Perkmana je veoma rašireno oko poznatih bosanskih rudnika Srebrenice, Kreševa, Fojnice, Ljubije, Mrkonjić Grada...
Vjerovanje u jamskog duha patuljka Perkmana je veoma rašireno oko poznatih bosanskih rudnika Srebrenice, Kreševa, Fojnice, Ljubije, Mrkonjić Grada...
U Srebrenici se priča da u rudniku,
u svakom oknu ima neki duh, koga su smatrali sretnim za rudare, a zvali su ga
“Perkman”. Po pričanju starih rudara u rudniku Sase Perkman je patuljak koji im
se često prikazivao i rudari ulazeći u rov na rad često su nailazili na tragove
njegovih stopa, koje nisu veće od dječijih. Kada rudari u oknu sjednu da se
odmore, čuju kako negdje u zemlji udara čekić; vjeruje se da su to “neki stari
Ova predanja sadrže doslovno ponovljene
pojedinosti iz srednjoevropskih rudarskih vjerovanja. U njemačkim vjerovanjima
patuljak (Bergmann) pozdravlja “gluck auf”, o čemu svjedoče podaci iz
Saksonije, Pfalza, Tiringije, Češke, južne Holandije, Šlezije. On je veseo i pomaže
siromašnim rudarima da otkopaju više rude.
Za Srebrenicu su se kroz vijekove stalno
otimale neke vojske. Legenda kaže da se nekad davno u jednoj od tih vojski ogubaše vojnici i njihovi konji. Kupaše se u čudnoj
crvenoj vodi što teče kroz Srebrenicu i ozdraviše. Po “najcrnjoj” bolesti ta voda dobi ime Crni
Guber. To je veza crvenog piva Vidran za Srebrenicu a samo ime Vidran je ime
konja kojeg je nekad imao djed vlasnika
pivare Davorina za kojeg je on kao
dijete bio puno vezan.
Pivovica je ime dobila kao aluzija na
šljivovicu rakiju koje je brend Balkana
Bosne i Hercegovine, posebno. U Holandiji imaju pivo pravljeno na bazi i
sa okusom viskija. Sarađujući sa pivarima iz Tilburga u Holandiji, nastalo je
ovo pivo kao svojevrstan brend ne samo Srebrenice već Bosne i Hercegovine pa i
šire moglo bi se reći, jer ovo je prvi put pivo napravljeno na bazi sa okusom čiste
domaće rakije šljivovice koja je sadržana u samom pivu šte se ogleda i kroz
visok procenat alkohola (9,7%). Nažalost trenutno nemamo novaca da taj naš
recept patentiramo i zakonski zaštitimo.
It is little known to the general public that our only winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ivo Andrić, as a high school student, often spent the summer holiday in Srebrenica with Aunt Danica. He is linked to Srebrenica in two works. This is his first story - 'The Road of Alija Đerzelez', where Srebrenica is mentioned, in which Andrić writes that Alija Djerzelez has arrived here and was treated from the wounded wounds. His other famous story is related to Osat and people who lives there. When enrolling at the University of Zagreb and Vienna and Krakow, Andrić referred to Srebrenica as a place of residence, as confirmed by the faxmail which is in the Srebrenica Library
Belief in the cave spirit of the dwarf Perkman is very widespread around the famous Bosnian mines of Srebrenica, Kreševo, Fojnica, Ljubija, Mrkonjić Grad ...
In Srebrenica, it is said that in the mine, in each window there is some ghost, whom they considered happy for the miners, and they called it "Perkman". According to the old miners in the Sase, Perkman , the dwarf, who often appeared to them, and miners entering the tunnel often found traces of his feet, which are doesn’t greater than the children's. When the miners in the window sit down to rest, they hear that a hammer strikes somewhere in the ground; They are believed to be "some old miners".
These lectures contain literally repeated details from Central European mining beliefs. In German beliefs, the dwarf (Bergmann) welcomes the "gluck auf", as evidenced by data from Saxony, Pfalz, Thuringia, the Czech Republic, the southern Holland, Silesia. He is cheerful and helps the poor miners to dig more ore.
For centuries, some armies have been constantly captured by Srebrenica. The legend says that once in one of these armies the soldiers and their horses were loosened. They were swimming in a strange red water flowing through Srebrenica and healing. After the "blackest" disease, this water is named Black Guber. This is the connection of the red beer Vidran to Srebrenica, and the name itself is Vidran, the name of a horse that once had the grandfather of the owner of the brewery Davorin, for whom he as a child was very tied.
Pivovica got its name as an allusion to plum brandy(rakia sljivovica), which is a brand of the Balkans of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular. In the Netherlands, beer is made on a base and with a taste of whiskey. Working with Brewery from Tilburg in the Netherlands, this beer was created as a kind of brand not only of Srebrenica but of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it could be said that this was the first time that beer was made on the basis of the taste of pure domestic plum brandy, which is contained in the Beer is also seen through a high percentage of alcohol (9.7%). Unfortunately, we do not currently have the money to patent our prescription and legally protect it.
It is little known to the general public that our only winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ivo Andrić, as a high school student, often spent the summer holiday in Srebrenica with Aunt Danica. He is linked to Srebrenica in two works. This is his first story - 'The Road of Alija Đerzelez', where Srebrenica is mentioned, in which Andrić writes that Alija Djerzelez has arrived here and was treated from the wounded wounds. His other famous story is related to Osat and people who lives there. When enrolling at the University of Zagreb and Vienna and Krakow, Andrić referred to Srebrenica as a place of residence, as confirmed by the faxmail which is in the Srebrenica Library
Belief in the cave spirit of the dwarf Perkman is very widespread around the famous Bosnian mines of Srebrenica, Kreševo, Fojnica, Ljubija, Mrkonjić Grad ...
In Srebrenica, it is said that in the mine, in each window there is some ghost, whom they considered happy for the miners, and they called it "Perkman". According to the old miners in the Sase, Perkman , the dwarf, who often appeared to them, and miners entering the tunnel often found traces of his feet, which are doesn’t greater than the children's. When the miners in the window sit down to rest, they hear that a hammer strikes somewhere in the ground; They are believed to be "some old miners".
These lectures contain literally repeated details from Central European mining beliefs. In German beliefs, the dwarf (Bergmann) welcomes the "gluck auf", as evidenced by data from Saxony, Pfalz, Thuringia, the Czech Republic, the southern Holland, Silesia. He is cheerful and helps the poor miners to dig more ore.
For centuries, some armies have been constantly captured by Srebrenica. The legend says that once in one of these armies the soldiers and their horses were loosened. They were swimming in a strange red water flowing through Srebrenica and healing. After the "blackest" disease, this water is named Black Guber. This is the connection of the red beer Vidran to Srebrenica, and the name itself is Vidran, the name of a horse that once had the grandfather of the owner of the brewery Davorin, for whom he as a child was very tied.
Pivovica got its name as an allusion to plum brandy(rakia sljivovica), which is a brand of the Balkans of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular. In the Netherlands, beer is made on a base and with a taste of whiskey. Working with Brewery from Tilburg in the Netherlands, this beer was created as a kind of brand not only of Srebrenica but of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it could be said that this was the first time that beer was made on the basis of the taste of pure domestic plum brandy, which is contained in the Beer is also seen through a high percentage of alcohol (9.7%). Unfortunately, we do not currently have the money to patent our prescription and legally protect it.
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